You are here: About repositories > Configuring a repository > About repository security > Configuring repository security > Assigning default permission levels for projects
Assigning default permission levels for projects

By default, projects have no security assigned to them. You can assign default permission levels to the roles that are assigned to all new projects. The users that are the members of those roles will then be granted the corresponding permission level in each new project by default. For existing projects, you can either change the membership of a role and have it applied to the existing projects or you can assign the permission levels for each project separately as described in the BlueCielo Meridian Explorer User's Guide .

Warning    Remember, the global permissions described in Configuring global permissions override all other security assignments.

To assign default permission levels for new projects:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the BC Explorer group, click REPOSITORIES. The Repositories page appears and lists the existing Explorer repositories and Meridian Enterprise vaults.
  2. Double-click the name of the repository that you want to configure. The Overview page for the repository appears.
  3. In the menu, click MANAGEMENT TOOLS. The management tool s for the selected repository appear.
  4. In the SECURITY group, for the Item Security item, click MANAGE. The <RepositoryName> Item security page appears.
  5. Click PROJECTS. The existing user roles are listed with the permission levels that have been assigned to them.
  6. Select the role that you want to edit.

    To change the permission level assigned to the role:

    To remove the permission level assigned to the role: